Today I added a new feature to the site that gives a live look-in at my trades as they happen. Follow the link provided below to see real-time data on the transactions I am making in my dividend growth portfolio. Transactions will show all new purchases, dividend reinvestments, and dividend increases. I am excited to add this feature, this is because it highlights how strong the effect of compounding is over days, weeks, months, and years. While nearly all of my transactions individually are rather small, they add up over time to snowball my dividend income.
It is my hope that any readers who follow my transactions will be able to visualize how important steady, continuous contributions are to exponentially growing your dividend income. To describe this effect, I like to refer to my strategy of new purchases, dividend reinvestments, and purchasing dividend growth stocks as the “triple-headed attack” towards reaching my long-term goals.
For an in-depth look at my current portfolio composition and investment strategy, I have provided a link below to my Seeking Alpha article. Additionally, shown below are some charts of my most recent dividend income monthly report. These charts show the growth in my dividend income and total dividends received since I began personally tracking my dividends in July of 2022. One note to add, a contributor to some of the large jumps in projected dividend income is due to some re-allocating within my portfolio to higher yielding stocks. However, the overwhelming majority of my growth in dividend income has been due to my “triple-headed attack”.
I hope you all enjoy this feature added to the site and that it inspires you to do something similar!

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